Legal Information

Impressum (according to § 5 TMG in Germany)

Lukas Gerlach

Bernhardstr. 4
01069 Dresden (Publickey)

Privacy Policy


Rest assured that we do not process any of your personal identifiable information other than the data necessary to deliver a functioning website to you (e.g. your public IP address). In particular, we do not set any cookies, and do not have any external analytics in place.


WHO is responsible for data processing?

The responsible person is the person managing this website. The contact information is identical with the information in the Impressum (see above).

HOW is the data processed?

Your data is automatically processed by the webserver, when you request a website from it (e.g. by opening it in your browser). Some of the information included in the request is written to server log files (see below).

WHY is the data needed?

We need information like your public IP address to be able to deliver a functioning website to you. We also collect metadata from your requests in server log files (public IP address, time of access, internet browser (e.g. user agent, version), operating system, referrer url, hostname of requesting machine) for debugging purposes. All of this allows us to pursue our legitimate interest of providing and improving our website at We do this on the legal basis of art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

WHAT rights do I have regarding my personal data on this website?

You have the right to obtain (more) information about your processed data. You also have the right to have your personal data erased and to object to the processing of your data. In case of these or any other concerns, you may contact us at any time at: (Publickey)


Our website is built using Next.js. We wrap it into a Docker image using Gitlab CI and deploy it to a cloud instance at Hetzner where we use traefik as a reverse proxy. For more information, have a look at the privacy policy of Hetzner.